Focus on your investment strategy
by using this dedicated time and sharing your challenges with your peers and fund managers
Benefit from high-level investment debate
from prominent experts across the LGPS, who’ll ensure you have the latest intelligence for your organisation.
Contribute to networking sessions
to sense-check your strategic thinking and inform your investment decisions
Tailor the event to suit your requirements
by attending the sessions which are of greatest interest to you
of the speakers were rated good or excellent
of delegates rated the sessions excellent or good for their relevance
of delegates achieved or partially achieved their objectives at the event
Take a look at what our attendees thought of last year’s event:
As always, an excellent event with plenty of interesting discussion from industry experts and plenty of opportunities for networking.
Excellent opportunity to network, hear experts on LGPS issues and discuss relevant LGPS issues
Great event to get the latest update and thinking from pensions experts
The go to conference for meeting and networking with LGPS and investment professionals