Sinisa Vukic, Cardano
Sinisa Vukic
Lead Portfolio Manager

Sinisa Vukic is lead portfolio manager for Cardano's financial inclusion strategy. He has more than 15 years of experience in managing emerging market financial inclusion private debt. He joined Cardano (previously ACTIAM) in 2007, working for the SNS REAAL Water Fund and performing research on water finance and microfinance. Sinisa has a strong educational background in development economics and sustainability issues.

In addition to being a member of the Investment Committee on several Cardano Impact Funds, Sinisa is responsible for a portfolio management of emerging market private debt and tracking macroeconomic developments in the countries targeted by the Impact Investment Funds. Sinisa is lead portfolio manager of Cardano Financial Inclusion Fund that have been unparalleled for its innovation, creativity and market leadership.

Sinisa has a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and a master’s degree in environmental management from the Wageningen University, Netherlands.